about participans
„Natural`08 – Normal" are: Conchita (Spain), Gerardo Otoniel (Mexico),Hunter Mantooth, Johnathan “;Photo“ Darden , Henry Bulger (USA), Jonáš Krutil alias j-nny, Karel Stodolovský (Czech Republic), Liz PsixOdino4ka (Georgia), Nelson de Paula (Brazil), Obskuritõn (Russia), Zuzana Michalová (Slovakia), Nancy Morales (Guatemala).
Estonian photographer in "Natural´08 -- Normal": Alar Madisson, Signe Fideelia, Toomas Uri ja Billeneeve.
3. septembril kell 18 avatakse Tartu Lastekunstikooli galeriis (Jakobi 52) rahvusvaheline aktifotonäitus „Natural`08 – Normal“, mis on pühendatud enam või vähem riieteta inimestest tehtud piltidele, mis ei pinguta standardse, vanaaegse esteetika ja reeglite nimel, vaid võtavad asja normaalselt: ei mingit ülepingutatud kunstipärasust, vaid omapärased ideed, isikupärane lähenemine, vigade mitteloendamine ja klassitsismi eiramine. Nad väljendavad eelkõige iseennast, mitte ei püüa vägisi kellelegi meeldida.
„Natural`08 – Normalil“ osalevad: Conchita (Hispaania), Gerardo Otoniel (Mehhiko),Hunter Mantooth, Johnathan “;Photo“ Darden , Henry Bulger (USA), Jonáš Krutil alias j-nny, Karel Stodolovský (Tšehhi), Liz PsixOdino4ka (Georgia), Nelson de Paula (Brasiilia), Obskuritõn (Venemaa), Zuzana Michalová (Slovakkia), Nancy Morales (Guatemala). Siia nimekirja võib muideks veel lisa tulla.
Eestit esindab kirju seltskond: Alar Madisson, Signe Fideelia, Toomas Uri ja Billeneeve.
„Natural`08 – Normal“ on üle hulga aja esimene rahvusvaheline aktifotonäitus Tartu peale legendaarse „Naine fotokunstis“ hääbumist peale Tartu Kommertspanga krahhi ja on üldse üks väga väheseid väheseid spetsiaalselt paljale inimkehale pühendatud internatsionaalseid ekshibitsioone Eestis. On täiesti kindel plaan muuta see traditsiooniks ja vajadusel näitust ka laiendada. Hetkel toimub ta TLKKgalerii mitte just maailma suurimates ruumides, kuid võib tulevikus kogu linna oma võrku haarata. Näituse kuraatori peas mõlgub ka spetsiaalse aktifotomuuseumi avamine. Nii et vaatame, mida alasti tulevik toob. Näitus „Natural`08 – Normal“ jääb avatuks 26. septembrini 2008.
Näitust „Natural`08 – Normal“ toetab Tartu Kultuurkapital.
Margus Kiis, näituse „Natural`08 – Normal“ kuraator
GSM: 55680151
email: marguskiis@hotmail.com
veeb: http://tlkkgalerii.blogspot.com/
A saal
Hispaania (Spain)
25 aastane naisfotograaf Sevillest. Töötab sotsiaaltöötajana ja õpib psühholoogiat. Pildistamispisiku sai isalt. Aktifotot peab kõige loomulikumaks eneseväljenduseks kunstis. Peab ennast väga emotsionaalseks ja isegi sentimentaalseks inimeseks, kes pigem lähtub südamest kui mõistusest. Lemmikfotograafid Jan Saudek, Sara Saudkova ja Christine Sprengler.
I'm from Spain, from Seville, inthe south of my country. I am 25 years old now, but the next month is my birthday.
I am Social Worker and now I am studing Psychology and I am wonrking in a Flowers Shop.
I love music, I am learning to play piano, and I like too much to read, to go cinema and theatre. I was in a Theatre company during 6 years.
I have never study anything about Photography, but my father was a very good amateur photographer and he teach me all that he knew in this area. Now I love to take pics, and I love nude art like an expression of the most natural part of the human beings. I think that all of we are, first of all, humans, and our body is our most primary part. I think I am a very sentimental woman, much emotional. I always make all things following my heart, and, only sometimes, following my head, that's why I try to create emotions when I take a pic, I am trying to make the people who is seeing it to feel something inside them.
I like several photographers, but I specially love Jan Saudek, Sara Saudkova and Christine Sprengler.I think they are fantastic artists, they create in me all that sensations that I try to make with my "art".
Henry Bulger töötas Vietnamis sõjafotograafina ning töötab ka praegu sellel alal. Viljeleb mitmeid erinevaid žanre. Harrastab “hands-on” meetodit.
Here is my cv. My name is Henry Bulger. I'm known as Hank. I worked as a U.S. Army combat photographer in Vietnam. When I I got out of the Army I did various jobs. and a gradually got back into photography. I did portrait and art photography. I really enjoy photographing nudes, also Macro and nature photography. in that order. I have taught photography at university. my method is the hands on method.
Alustas pildistamist 10 aastat tagasi 8 aastaselt. Üks sõber palus pildistada oma sõbrannat alasti aga Jonathan eelistas prornole kunstilist lähenemist. Praegu tal ongi väike aktifotoäri ning tal meeldib teha koostööd loovate modellidega.
Brief Biography:
I started photographing at the age of eight. A friend asked me to do a photo shoot of his girlfriend nude. I did not want it to be pornographic so I made the photo shoot images into an art. I started college during the summer of 2007. Since then, I have started my own business specializes in artistic nudes. If you are a model looking for a photographer or an assignment, Contact me! I love creative people with their own concepts. I consider myself a collaborative artist -- for me nature or the model creates the beauty and I capture it. If you have something in mind, please do let me know.
Always wanted to be a model but don't think you have the right stuff? You might be surprised. There is beauty in all of us and I love finding it. If you want to try, let me know! Sometimes people think I only shoot beautiful models. I actually think I work to bring out beauty in people. Obviously it is easier for some, but it is really true that we are all beautiful in some way.
Sündinud 1962 Jihlavas. Töötab praegu Prahas bändimehe, heliloojana ja terapeudina. Aktifotograafias huvitavad teda alasti keha erinevates omapärastes poosides. Omab Prahas ka galeriid nimega Galerie Stodolovský.
Born on 14.5.1962 in the old city of Jihlava the highlands of Czech republic.Living in Prague as a musician, he composes music and lyrics.He plays on guitar in underground and alternative groups. As therapist he worked in many social projects in Czech republic.Within the last ten years he began photography with especially interest nature and the naked body in atypical positions.He is the Owner of the art galery in Prague /Galerie Stodolovský,Milíčova 29,130 00 Praha 3 Czech republic/
Virtual galery:www.pankarel.deviantart.com
Zilvinas Valeika (Leedu/Lithuania)
Ilkka Kallio (Soome)
Nancy Morales on 26 aastane, õpib graafilist disaini. Pildistama hakkas 13 aastaselt. Mittetulundusühingu „Fotokids“ disainer ja kaastöötaja. Ühingu eesmärk on tõmmata lapsi eemale kriminaalsetest jõukudest ja panna nad tegema midagi etemat, näiteks fotot.
I am Guatemalan, my name is Nancy Morales, 26 años de edad, i am in the collage i study Graphic Design. Provengo de una familia de pocos recursos aquí en Guatemala.
I began on photography since i was 13 years old, taking photos of my family and my environment. Tengo conocimientos de fotografía gracias a un proyecto formado acá en guatemala para ayudar a jóvenes a alejarse de las pandillas, desde entonces he logrado obtener conomientos fotograficos y poder expresarme a través de la fotografía y otras artes plasticas. Me gusta la experimental photography y mi último proyecto a sido el de "Nude."
Know I work for a non-profit organization called FOTOKIDS, i am the designer for this organization. (www.fotokids.org
Nelson de Paula (Brasiilia
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